Dippin' Chips

Brand & Packaging Re-design


That’s How We Roll, LLC.



Packaging Design



Premium Ingredients

The Objective:

To create an entirely new look for Dippin’ Chips from the branding to the appearance and communication of the bag. It needed to be less about the work “Party” and more about better for you and having premium ingredients in every bag.

The Outcome:

Was a simple, clean and premium looking design with more emphases on the chips unique shape and appetizing texture. This was created by emphasizing the product through the usage of photography. By making the product images larger it could now show off the shape and texture much more than previously. Also, the package is now predominantly white with the usage of a flavor color banner that housed the branding and most of the communications that needed to be communicated. This was to help catch the consumers eye at point of purchase to the branding, Secondly to the flavor name and thirdly to the chip image where the eye would be able to see the chips unique shape and appetizing texture without anything other to pull your eye away.

This new better-for-you looking packaging received an overwhelming positive response despite the drastic changes that were made to this line of 24 SKUs.

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